
German Dulanto
An experience Educator committed to transform how Knowledge is acquire by our youth, First by Learning 21 Century Technology, Second by exposing them to as many Technological advancements as for them to find their call, their Ahaaa! moment, their career of choice, what they will pursue in life, in order to be self sustainable.
If a child has never seen the sea, will never seek to learn to swim!
An experience Educator committed to transform how Knowledge is acquire by our youth, First by Learning 21 Century Technology, Second by exposing them to as many Technological advancements as for them to find their call, their Ahaaa! moment, their career of choice, what they will pursue in life, in order to be self sustainable.
If a child has never seen the sea, will never seek to learn to swim!
Our Mentors, Coaches, Influencers
The people who interacts with our Children, they are knowledgeable, they understand our Children, They challenge our children to find their value within, They make learning by playing, They concentrate on "keep on trying, do not give up".
Ultimately if we teach anything is CONFIDENCE, the art of learning by failure, confidence in themselves!
This Group of People, we call our TA's (Trainer Adiutor)
Looking into the past
Augmented Intelligence Academy is a organization created to Build a Better Future for our youth of today. Most important was the Introduction to 21 Century Technology Now, the best solution to reach that goal was to use S.T.E.A.M. This is when German seek the collaboration of bright young students who fully understand the younger child, building a program using Project Based Learning that promotes essential traits in young students. These essential traits include Critical thinking, problem solving, Leadership, and teamwork. This leads to a confident and well round student that will be able to thrive in this ever changing technical era that we live in.
What we do and our history
This Child was building his Robot in a virtual environment, in reality what he was doing is using a CAD design software, where he was reaching a database of all the parts of the robot set, building an assembly, which he in turn will export to a spreadsheet with Item part number, description, color, image of part, cost, then he knows how long did it take him to build the robot, by the end he had PARTS and LABOR = COST, then we ask him, how much profit, you can imagine the rest
In the process they learned definition of Parts, Labor cost, Overhead, Profit, as well as CAD Design, Robot building a very rounded cross curriculum learning while PLAYING.
In the process they learned definition of Parts, Labor cost, Overhead, Profit, as well as CAD Design, Robot building a very rounded cross curriculum learning while PLAYING.
An Autonomous Vehicle
These kids programmed a robot to go from point A to point B, completely on its own, using a sensor, this process is being use in Australia in a mining place where driverless trucks go from point A to point B , loading at one end and downloading at the other, our programs teach CONFIDENCE!!!!
I know this kid wanted to become a Veterinarian, i am sure he will have the opportunity!
I know this kid wanted to become a Veterinarian, i am sure he will have the opportunity!